Thursday, April 15, 2010

April Q&E Kaizen 4/15/10: Canine-zen

There is no excuse for people not improving when animals find easier ways of doing things...

Before:  Our dog jumped from the seat cushion to the back of the couch to view what's going on outside.  A couple times he fell off.

After: He goes to the arm of the couch and then jumps up to the top.

  • Less energy expended to get on top of sofa
  • Improved safety and less falls when jumping up
What has your dog improved today?

Dan Lafever, Kaizeneer


George said...

I have to say this post is nothing short of brilliant. Just to think of how many companies, governments and individuals are unable to do what most animals are able to.

George Rathbun
CEO INCENT Solutions

Liz Guthridge said...

Love this! Thanks for sharing! When Tomas, my 5-1/2 year old Bernese Mountain Dog, had to have his front left leg amputated because of bone cancer (osteosarcoma), it was amazing to watch him quickly figure out how to adapt. Within days of the surgery, he adopted a tripod stance moving his right front left to the middle of his body. Tomas, like most dogs, also had a healthy attitude about new things he would encounter: If he couldn't eat it, play with it or pee on it, he'd leave it alone and move on. For a tribute to Tomas as the master of process, read