Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lightening strikes twice...

Using the same kaizen (continuous improvement) techniques as applied in the Serena Software Haiku contest, I wanted to see if I could achieve success a second time in a different competition. I did...

Apica Twitter Contest Winners
Published: 2012-01-04
Apica Announces Winners of Holiday e-Retail Twitter Contest

Grand prize of US $1,000 Amazon Gift Card Awarded to Kaizeneer

PALO ALTO, Calif. – January 4, 2012 – Apica, a leading load testing and performance-monitoring provider for cloud and mobile applications, today announced the winners of the Apica e-Retail Twitter Contest. Launched in late November 2011, Apica kicked off the holidays with a fun competition for consumers to share their best or worst e-Retail shopping experiences in the form of a rap or rhyme, via a 140-character tweet.

Reuters estimated this holiday season brought in over US $35B in online shopping sales worldwide, the highest amount ever recorded. Significant spikes in website traffic can bring serious consequences to unprepared e-Retailers. Slow page load times, performance issues and even downed sites, can effectively put e-Retailers out of business.

“Research shows 40 percent of online shoppers will abandon a site after waiting three seconds for a page to load. Frustration with online shopping due to performance issues was recounted first hand in many of the creative entries that were submitted for our Twitter contest. From the comical to the unusual, submissions spanned the spectrum, making selecting our winners a tough decision. A huge thank you to all who participated,” said Sven Hammar, CEO of Apica.

Winners were selected based on creativity, humor and also relevance. And the winners are…drum roll please…
Grand Prize ($1,000 Amazon Gift Card)

Kaizeneer Kaizeneer: 
Buying bling like Lil John/Check’n status-BAD log on/Order went 2 Kuala Lumpur/Mad like gunshots at Blk Friday store @apicasystems #apicarap

First Prize ($100 Amazon Gift Card)

jadenruby jadenruby: @apicasystems #apicarap Online Ease-I'll take it Please/No Bump and Grind-of the annoying kind/Next year all shopping thru computer queue!

Second Prize ($50 Amazon Gift Card)

JCris_08 Julius Cristobal:
Hate da long line so I jus hop online/ Nothin can beat shoppin from my computer seat #apicarap @apicasystems

What contest process have you improved today?

Dan Lafever, Kaizeneer

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